One may picture a plant root when thinking about the term “root chakra.” However, this is not the root we are referring to. However, the purpose can be interpreted as the same. The root chakra is believed to be another factor that grounds us. 

Usually called the first chakra, the root chakra is a primary energy center in the human body. It is important to our sense of stability, security, and connectivity to the outside world. In this article, we will look at the importance and role of the root chakra, discuss what is the root chakra, what root chakra means, root chakra healing, and explore how to balance and restore it. 

Root chakra


Two Sanskrit words, “mula” (meaning “root”) and “adhara” (meaning “base” or “support”), combine to form the word Muladhara. 

The root chakra, or Muladhara in Sanskrit, is located close to the abdomen at the base of the spine. It acts as the fundamental component of our energy system, connecting us to the natural world and giving us a feeling of security and stability. The root chakra binds us safely in our physical existence, in the same way that a tree’s roots ground it in order to promote its growth.

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The root chakra is in control of a number of aspects of the way we live, including the basic requirements for survival like food, shelter, and security. It affects how we relate to our body and the physical world, how we feel like we belong, and how much we can trust. We feel safe, rooted, and well-prepared to face every challenge in life straight away when the root chakra is in a state of balance and harmony.


Physically and emotionally, an imbalance in the root chakra can take several different forms. An unbalanced root chakra can often be felt as feelings of instability, fear, and insecurity. Physical symptoms can include immune system difficulties, digestion difficulties and lower back pain, among other lower body illnesses. A root chakra imbalance can lead to anxiety problems, depression, and disturbances in an individual’s day-to-day routine. This is how the root chakra and its basic principles become known to us. You will become closer to the natural world as you learn to ground yourself.


The root chakra must be balanced and healed in order to help with overall health and personal growth. This energy center can be restored back into balance using a number of methods and exercises:

Activities that ground and calm the root chakra include gardening, yoga, and going for barefoot walks outside. These activities make us feel more connected to the soil.

The root chakra can be opened to balance and awareness by practicing mindful meditation, which involves focusing on the breath and seeing a red burning light at the base of the spine.

Engaging in regular exercise, in particular those that involve lower-body focused exercises like jogging, dancing, or squats, may activate and energize the root chakra.

You may improve the energy of the root chakra by eating nourishing, grounding foods like root vegetables, whole grains, and foods high in protein.

Reading, writing, and reciting affirmations may promote abundance, safety, and security and can help change negative thoughts and bring the root chakra back into harmony. 

The root chakra can easily be balanced by using crystals like garnet, hematite, and red jasper. Energy barriers can be removed and healed by wearing them as jewelry or placing them somewhere on the body.

Following the direction of an energy practitioner or overall healer with experience in chakra balancing methods will provide personalized support and direction.

Chakra Healing With Vimoksh

Together with Vimoksh, discover the transforming potential of healing as we lead you on a path to root chakra balance. We, here at vimoksh are aware of how important it is to take care of your base, creating a stable and secure internal environment. We offer products, services, and techniques through our holistic approach that are intended to harmonize and energize your root chakra, giving you back a deep sense of energy and groundedness. Come along with us as we enable you to discover your inner strength and welcome a life that is abundant, secure, and stable.


Our energy system depends on the root chakra, which promotes our sense of safety, stability, and physical connection with the natural world. We may bring balance and harmony back to this essential energy center and allow ourselves to live more balanced and happy lives by understanding its meaning and importance and by putting methods of healing into practice.

As an essential component of our overall physical overall well-being, the root chakra creates our sense of safety, stability, and connectivity with the world. It affects not just our physical survival but also our mental stability and spiritual connection. We can deal with underlying tensions, fears, worries, confusion, and imbalances that limit our growth and well-being by taking care of and by healing the root chakra.

We are able to create a strong sense of stability, balance, and connection within ourselves and with the natural world. It can be done by practicing grounding exercises, meditation, physical activity, nutritious food, reading and writing affirmations, healing crystals or gemstones, and chakra balancing methods. These practices develop a deep connection to our bodies, the earth, and the natural energy that flows through us, in addition to helping us in getting through challenges and manage the challenges of life with a greater level of comfort.

Let us keep in mind the importance of taking care of our root chakra every time we start on the path of personal growth and healing, as this will provide a strong foundation for our development and growth. By understanding and maintaining this core energy center, we are able to create a sense of control, confidence, balance, security, and stability that helps us achieve success in every phase of our lives.


What is a root chakra?

The root chakra acts as the fundamental component of our energy system, connecting us to the natural world and giving us a feeling of security and stability. The root chakra binds us safely in our physical existence, in the same way that a tree’s roots ground it in order to promote its growth.

What is the other name for root chakra in Sanskrit?

The root chakra, or Muladhara in Sanskrit, is located close to the abdomen at the base of the spine.

What is the meaning of the word Muladhara?

Two Sanskrit words, “mula” (which means “root”) and “adhara” (which means “base” or “support”) combined to form the word Muladhara. 

Where is the root chakra located in the human body?

The root chakra is located close to the abdomen at the base of the spine.

What are the problems created by an imbalance in root chakra?

An unbalanced root chakra can often be felt as feelings of instability, fear, and insecurity.

What are the methods to heal root chakra?

Energy centers can be restored back into balance using a number of methods and exercises such as meditation, eating nutritious foods, reading affirmations, and by physical exercises.

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