Power of OM and It’s Benefits of Chanting

OM Meditation


Many people are curious to know the meaning of some recitations that they hear from their yoga instructors or meditators. For example, you may already be aware that “asana” means “sitting posture” and “namaste” means “the light in me bows to the light in you.” However, what does Om mean? Om is a calming vibration that is frequently chanted during yoga and meditation.


One of the most powerful mantras is Om or Aum. Not only does the sound affect the mind, body, and soul, but the vibrations themselves also create a joyful, happy, and peaceful condition. The eastern spiritual traditions of Yoga, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism all use the ancient, sacred word Om. We can only learn to let go of desires and find happiness in nature at higher frequencies. In the materialistic world of today, it might be difficult to maintain happiness because it is so simple to become involved in tension, fear, anxiety, worry, etc. Om chanting helps us overcome these unfavorable emotions and ideas so that we may see who we really are and continue to be happy.

What Is The Meaning Of OM?

All that the word “Om” denotes is Source and Expansion. If you understand the history of the letter “O,” it appears to be a hole or source. The letter “O” indicates the source and beginning of the universe and when you pronounce it, your mouth forms the letter “O”.


Sanskrit’s initial letter, A (अ), can be easily used in all the mantras. The pronunciation and meaning of the mantra don’t change and remain unaffected. The characteristic of A is opening the mouth and exhaling.


The fifth letter in Sanskrit, U (उ), signifies exhalation and is often associated with opening the mouth.


In Sanskrit, M () is the final letter of 5 Varga (वर्ग). The sets of consonants are called the Varga. Sanskrit has 42 consonants, however, only 25 are commonly used. Among the 25 commonly used consonants, it is the last. The expansion of breath with a closed mouth is the nature of M.


We use OM instead of AUM because AU simply produces the sound of O

Why Do We Use OM In Meditation?

There is a lot of proof to suggest that sound vibration has a profound effect on one’s mental, emotional, and physical health. In spiritual practice, it is crucial to sync our frequency with the original universal frequency, which can be achieved by reciting Om. By maintaining contact with the spiritual energy of the Absolute, an individual can spiritualize their existence, just as an iron rod heated up to the temperature of fire when it comes into contact with its flames.

Transcendental sound is the germ of Om, and it is the means by which the senses and the mind can be transformed. Om chanting helps one enter samadhi, an advanced state of awareness, by bringing the mind and breath into harmony. The pursuit of samadhi awakens the materially-obsessed mind. A person can focus completely on achieving spiritual realization by controlling their materially oriented mind through the practice of samadhi.

Transcendental realization requires spiritualizing the mind through sound vibration since the Absolute is beyond the reach of the ordinary material senses. The mind is the source of all sensual experiences. 


Also Read- Gayatri Mantra in English: Benefits of Chanting 


Benefits Of Chanting OM

  • Om chanting enhances your inner vibration, making you feel happy and fulfilled.
  • It cleanses the surrounding area and the individuals in it by removing all the negative energy.
  • It gives off a peaceful sense right away.
  • The balance of Emotions and mood is helped by the vibrations.
  • It enhances and purifies your aura.
  • Its capacity for self-healing improves strength and immunity. 
  • It makes you feel healthy, happy, and at peace.
  • It enhances focus, memory, and concentration.
  • It keeps the heartbeat regular and lowers blood pressure.
  • It significantly reduces tension and anxiety. It clears the mind of anxieties.
  • It enhances inventiveness and originality.
  • You’ll soon start to sense the powerful, clean, and delicate energy that resides inside of you. Everything that seems heavy, negative, unbalanced, and confused will start to fade.
OM Meditation benefits

How To Chant OM?

While there are no strict guidelines when it comes to chanting Om, knowing the basic methods for creating its sound will help you build a stronger connection to the Divine.


Om stands for the universe’s beginning, preservation, and destruction, as previously mentioned. The sound of Om starts to travel through and ultimately dissolves through the seven primary chakras, which are energy wheels in the body connected to the mental, bodily, and spiritual aspects of our existence. 


The chanting of Om (Aum) starts with inhaling deeply and focuses on the “A” sound in the syllable at the solar plexus chakra, which is close to the diaphragm. “U” continues the mantra through the throat, heart, and third eye chakras until it reaches the crown as the music intensifies. At the crown chakra, the sound fades and the mantra develops its final part, the “M.” 

Making sure you chant OM in a peaceful location where you may concentrate without any distractions is ideal. Start chanting with the letter “A,” holding the letter “U” a little longer as it moves through the chakras, and finishing on the letter “M” as your breath comes to an end while maintaining a straight spine. If you really want to benefit from your meditation practice, it is usually best to chant for at least fifteen minutes at a time. Whatever the method, the ultimate goal of chanting Om is to establish a connection with the Divine. All else will work itself out as long as your intention is genuine. 

When to Chant OM?

It is best done in the early morning when everything is quiet and peaceful around you. Chanting in the morning will balance your life force with the energy of the universe. Another option is to chant during sunrise and sunset, before performing meditation, or before sleeping at night. Make sure that you do not chant after eating after you wake up. Chanting can be used to clear the mind of unwanted thoughts and vibrations.

Where To Chant OM?

Any quiet area or spot where no one will bother you is suitable for chanting Om. Distractions need to be absent from it. For chanting and meditation to be successful, the space should be tidy and peaceful.


Chanting OM regularly promotes physical, mental, emotional, and psychological well-being. It strengthens your spiritual tendency and transforms you into a positive, happier, and more calm person. This is not like any other meditation practice. It has a remarkable and powerful transformational quality. The mantra can be chanted both silently and loudly. You can chant OM solo or in a group. The vibrations created when chanting in a group are remarkable. The calming and captivating effect will instantly restore your sense of relaxation and calmness.

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