Surya Namaskar, also known as Sun Salutations, is known to be the ‘heart and soul’ of yoga. This popular series of twelve asanas has many benefits. The sun is a reviving source of life, giving us with energy and nutrition that is essential for our survival. Surya Namaskars were traditionally performed while facing the rising sun. They can also be practiced at sunset when the sun sets. Surya Namaskars are now practiced as part of a yoga class, typically as a warm-up before any difficult postures. In this article, we are going to discuss the benefits of doing Surya Namaskar.
What Is Surya Namaskar?
Surya Namaskar is a unique yoga method that allows one to give gratitude to the Sun. It includes 12 yoga positions that should be performed on an empty stomach. Although there are small variations in how to practice this asana, a specific sequence must be followed for the best Surya Namaskarbenefits.
Surya Namaskar was practiced in ancient times to show appreciation for the Sun, the source of our life. The twelve postures provide a complete workout for mind, body, and spirit. Its sequence stimulates the muscles, organs, and chakra system, promoting concentration and calmness of mind.
Types of Surya Namaskar
- Pranamasana
- Hasta Uttanasana
- Hasta Padasana
- Ashwa Sanchalanasana
- Parvatasana
- Ashtanga Namaskara
- Bhujangasana
- Parvatasana
- Ashwa Sanchalanasana
- Hasta Padasana
- Hasta Uttanasana
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Benefits of Surya Namaskar
It strengthens the muscles and joints.
The twelve asanas connected together work on the muscles and joints of the body. Muscles, joints, and ligaments are stretched, strengthened, and toned. When done on a regular basis, muscle strength improves significantly. Spine flexibility improves.
Improves immunity.
The benefits of sun salutation include improved functioning of important internal organs with regular practice. Blood circulation and oxygen levels improve. Blockages are removed, which helps to build immunity.
Promotes cleansing.
The posture movement during Surya Namaskar defines the breath patterns. This regular movement allows air to the lungs and increases the amount of oxygen in the circulation. This increases purification and improves the flow of lymph, which transports toxins to the excretory organs. This also promotes immunity.
Helps weight loss.
Surya Namaskar, an intense physical activity, can be successful for weight loss. With practice, one can increase the total number of rounds, which is helpful in weight loss. The postures stretch the abdominal muscles, and if practiced at a faster pace, you’ll complete your rounds with a good sweat. Metabolism also improves with time.
Balances body and mind.
Because the practice impacts all parts of the system, there is a balance between the mind and body. A stronger mind-body connection is developed, and balance improves.
Boosts energy.
Getting rid of blockages improves energy and stamina by allowing the free flow of prana (life force). Energy improves and makes you feel stronger and healthier as you practice more.
Benefits in skincare and haircare.
Increased blood flow to the scalp promotes the growth of hair especially for ladies. There is improved consumption of food, which reduces hair loss and greying. The Surya namaskar benefits for ladies include youthful and bright skin and improved blood circulation. Greater energy and vitality also benefit skin health. It also contributes to the reduction of wrinkles and other skin issues.
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Helps digestion.
The postures focus on belly muscles and digestion. Good digestion improves health and helps to prevent sicknesses and disorders. Blood flow to the intestines improves, allowing the digestive tract to function properly. Stored gas is also discharged. When gut health is compromised, it can lead to a number of health issues. Thus, with consistent practice, one can maintain proper digestion and intestinal health.
Decreases tension and anxiety.
The neurological system balances, lowering tension and anxiety. Intuition and concentration improve. Memory and nervous system functionality improves. Even the endocrine system and hormones are in balance, which leads to lower stress levels. One will notice they are more relaxed and less concerned.
Improves the quality of sleep.
Surya Namaskar improves sleep quality and can possibly cure insomnia. Asanas improve sleep patterns by reducing tension and promoting relaxation across the body and mental health. Restful sleep is now easy to get.
How to do Surya Namaskar
The best thing about Surya Namaskar is that you can practice it at any speed, fast, medium, or slow. You can even adjust your speed based on your goals. For example, if you want to decrease your weight, you can practice several rounds at a high speed. Consider it a physical activity that will leave you sweaty.
If you want to stretch and strengthen your muscles, a medium-slow speed is ideal since it allows time for the muscles to work in each posture. You can also adjust your pace depending on the season or conditions. A fast pace is good in the winter when you want to enhance your body temperature. In the summer, a slow to medium speed is ideal for stretching.
Surya Namaskar, commonly known as Sun Salutation, is a set of 12 yoga postures performed in a flowing and coordinated manner. The practice has many physical, mental, and spiritual benefits. First and foremost, it is a great full-body workout that works for several muscle groups while also developing flexibility and strength. Active movement and controlled breathing improve cardiovascular health and promote blood circulation. Surya Namaskar, when practiced on a regular basis, improves digestion and aids in the release of toxins. Mentally, it improves mindfulness while also reducing stress, anxiety, and depression.